Bug on IE11 with select-Tag?

Bug on IE11 with select-Tag?

Hello out there,

does anybody know about a jQuery mobile bug in IE11 according to the combobox / select-Tag?

Small snippet to demonstrate:

<select name="language" id="cboLanguage"> <option value="1">1 test</option> <option value="2">11 test</option> <option value="3">11test</option> <option value="4">something else</option> </select>

Normally it is possible with select-Tab to focus, navigate with arrow keys or press letters and the correct/fullfilling option is automatically displayed. This works with Firefox and IE the same without using jQuery mobile (e.g. typing '11t' automatically shows '11test' as value). If I include the jQuery mobile and jQuery Script, the scenario is still working in Firefox but not in IE11. After typing one letter, the next value beginning with this letter is shown and the combobox loses focus (so typing more letters ist not possible). Same while navigation with arrow keys. After pressing, the shown value gets updated once and the component loses focus.

Does anybody know this bug and maybe has a workaround?

Any help would be great! :-)