bug report: jquery.fn.offset on 1.3.x series + IE6/7 (works fine with 1.2.6)

bug report: jquery.fn.offset on 1.3.x series + IE6/7 (works fine with 1.2.6)

Hi all.
This bug seems to affect just IE6/7. So fire it up if you want to do
some quick testing :)
== Testing environments ==
- Working version (jQuery 1.2.6 + jQuery ScrollTo 1.4.1 +
jQuery.localScroll 1.2.7):
- Failing version (jQuery 1.3.2 + idem):
- Working version (jQuery 1.3.2 patched using jQuery.fn.offset from
1.2.6 + idem)
== Expected behavior (working with 1.2.6) ==
As you can see, there is an horizontal list of products, and so, the
page is horizontally scrolled.
When clicking on arrows (plain anchor links) between products, the
page scrolls to the corresponing product. That's the magic of scrollTo
+ localScroll.
On the _working version_, if you click on the arrows between products,
page will scroll correctly.
== Triggering the bug (working with 1.3.2) ==
On the _failing version_, when you click on the arrows, it will fail
for those anchor links and products that are outside the viewport,
when the page was loaded.
So, if you have a very wide viewport (a big screen), be sure to click
until the failing behavior is triggered. In other words, the arrows
inside the viewport (when page load) may not fail.
You will see that the page scrolls erratically for the anchors outside
the viewport.
== A bug on jquery.fn.offset? ==
I've been talking with Ariel Flesler (jQuery core developer and author
of jQuery scrollTo/serialScroll/localScroll plugin series) and he
suggested me to report it here.
Ariel also suggested me to patch the jquery.fn.offset on 1.3.2 using
the one from 1.2.6.
== How can I help? ==
Is there anything else I can do to help?
This is my first post here, so sorry if I'm not following any
suggested convention. I've been looking for a "how to" report bugs for
jQuery but haven't found anything.
Julián Landerreche