Bug with Accordion and Tabs on same page in container divx
I have discovered an apparent bug when using both Accordon and Tabs on the same page. It took some hours, but here's what I tracked down ...
My page was laid out in a two column table. Accordion in the left (narrow) <td>, tabs in the right <td>. It worked fine.
I converted the page to all divs. Float left div for the left column, float right for the other.
When the accordion div (within the primary left column div) and the tab div (in the primary right side div) are on the same horizontal plane, the <ul> of the tabs stretches to the bottom of the accordion div. The <li> tabs display correctly. (See screenshot1.jpg)
If I put text above the tab div to move it down the page so it starts lower than the bottom of the accordion div, the <ul> is the right height. (See screenshot3.jpg)
If text or breaks are put in above the tab div so it is lower, but still within the same horizontal plane as the accordion div, the <ul> of the tab div is smaller, but still goes to the bottom of the accordion div. (See screenshot2.jpg)
If I wrap everything in table cells, the tabs display correctly even within in horizontal plane of the accordion div. (I was going to attach a screenshot, but only 3 are allowed.)
I can keep everything in tables as a workaround, if anyone can give me a fix, I would greatly appreciate it.