bug with animating height / width change in webkit browsers - div loses overflow property

bug with animating height / width change in webkit browsers - div loses overflow property

This bug with jquery releases 1.2.6, 1.3, and 1.3.1
I have a div with overflow set to auto. If I resize that div
with .animate, the overflow setting will completely disappear in
safari & chrome. For example, if you have a 200px tall div and animate
it down to 150px, anything that was contained by the overflow:auto
will come spilling out the bottom. Same thing happens to :scroll
and :hidden settings. Instant resizing using .css doesn't cause any
Using the element inspect confirms that the overflow setting is gone.
The only way to combat this effect is to set a timeout to long enough
after the .animate should finish and reset the overflow property using
the .css function.