Bug with search input in panels on Safari Mac

Bug with search input in panels on Safari Mac

With version 1.4.1 a new bug happens with Safari Mac (Mavericks).
When I use a search input field in a right position overlay panel, the panel width is doubled from what it should be.

The bug can be seen in the jQueryMobile Demo page:
Click on the top/right search icon and you'll see the right panel display with a doubled width.

With Firefox the panel width is normal but the overlay animation is not good: the main page first scrolls with the panel, then comes back to its position.

It can be reproduced with this code:
  1. <div id="search" data-role="panel" data-position="right" data-display="overlay" data-theme="a">
  2. <input type="search" id="search_text" value="" placeholder="Search...">
  3. <br>
  4. <div id="search_tip" class="ui-bar ui-bar-b"></div>
  5. <ul id="search_list" data-role="listview" data-theme="a"></ul>
  6. </div>