Buggy header/footer fixed position when virtual keyboard is on/off in iOS Phonegap Application

Buggy header/footer fixed position when virtual keyboard is on/off in iOS Phonegap Application

I am trying to fix the fix the header and footer docked at top and bottom respectively for an ios phonegap application using jQuery Mobile 1.4.5 and jQuery 2.1.1., but it stucks somewhere in the middle of screen while i try to edit some value in input type text/number in my data-role="main" i.e ui-content.
I was using jquery mobile to build and important application for an client which is to be delivered soon and also to be posted on app store. 
Please help me out if there is any fix which can help me to fix the buggy header and footer since the application is quite important.
Also my freind has faced the same issue which is posted on stackoverflow. Below is the link:

thanks and regards,

Rahul Agrawal.