am receiving from server full HTML code of different pages as string:
$.post($form.attr("action"), $form.serialize(), function(responseText) { console.log("text received"); //Setting dynamic content to iframe method * }).error(function(p1, p2, p3){ alert("error!"); console.log(p1 + p2 + p3); })
Setting dynamic content to iframe method 1:
var s = $(responseText); $('#FileFrame').contents().find('html').html(s);
Setting dynamic content to iframe method 2:
var $frame = $('#FileFrame'); var doc = $frame[0].contentWindow.document; var $body = $('body',doc); $body.html(responseText);
Setting dynamic content to iframe method 3:
var iframe = document.getElementById('FileFrame'); var iframedoc = iframe.document; if (iframe.contentDocument) { iframedoc = iframe.contentDocument; console.log("iframe has contentDocument"); } else if (iframe.contentWindow) { iframedoc = iframe.contentWindow.document; console.log("iframe has contentWindow.document"); } if (iframedoc) { //; iframedoc.write(responseText); iframedoc.close(); console.log("iframedoc is not NULL"); } else { alert('Cannot inject dynamic contents into iframe.'); }
The problem is that some pages displaying well with method 1, some with method 2 and some with method 3, but any of them do not approach to all web pages. Please help