Button_Click post back event doesn't fire after the form is invalidated by jquery validation plug...

Button_Click post back event doesn't fire after the form is invalidated by jquery validation plug...

My form has two buttons. One should call post back event (call server side OnClick method) without validating the form with jquery validate plug-in and other is basically submit sort of button which calls server side method only if the form is validated. To acheive this i have two buttons as mentioned below.

The following button checks for validation and only if the form is valid it calls the server side method.

<asp:button id="btnSubmit" runat="server" text="Submit" onclick="btnSubmit_Click" class="btn btn-primary"></asp:button>

The following should call post back event irrespective of form is valid or not. My intension this should not check if the form is valid or not.

<asp:button id="btnSave" runat="server" text="Save To Drafts" usesubmitbehavior="false" onclientclick="saveDraft" onclick="btnSave_Click" class="btn btn-primary"></asp:button>

Now the behavior of the form is if i fill some details and leave out some compulsory fields or all compulsory fields and click on my "Save To Drafts" button which i intend to cause post back  regardles of form validation, It works well and calls post back event. 

However, once I hit submit button and form is invalidated, if i click "Save To Drafts" button it doesn't work means it doesn't raise post back event.

Any help is much appreciated. I couldn't get solution to this though i have spent couple of days on this. I can post you the jquery form validation code if you need