Button plugin activity

Button plugin activity

Hi all -
I just noticed that there has been a lot of activity on the button
plugin over the past few days so I wanted to ask people to take a
minute and look at the two different approaches posted and provide
feedback. It's great to see people digging into these since they are a
priority. These will be used a lot throughout UI so I want to get a
lot of people looking at this so we have the best possible solution.
Since we have two different developers working in parallel, I'm going
to suggest that they collaborate to avoid going too far without
consolidation. Here are the two messages for quick reference:
sompylasar --------------------------------------------
I've built my ui.button script. It supports 4 types of initial
elements (<a>, <button>, <input>, or other unstyled element - e.g.
<div>). It correctly handles keyboard and mouse input for any of them.
It generates events: buttonaction buttonrollover buttonrollout
buttonpressed buttonreleased buttonreleasedoutside buttongotfocus
<input /> element doesn't support child nodes, <div> doesn't get
focused - that is discovered and handled the special way.
Icon for an input is still not supported, but I've got an idea how to
implement this (overlay an icon). Any solution?
Demo here: http://maninblack.info/_proj/jquery-ui-ribbon/demos/buttons/
Repo here: http://code.google.com/p/jquery-ui-ribbon/source/browse/#svn/trunk/
malko --------------------------------------------
Sorry to post another attempt, but i was working on it too,
nevertheless it's good to see activity on that page i hope we will
make ui-buttons happen soon :)
So you can have a look at my attempt here: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1151318/ui-button/demo.html
For now here's a quick list of "features"
- manage icon orientation: west, est, north and south plus a special
'icon-only' one that will remove the label at the rendering time.
- manage ui-icons and image path
- manage 5 size: tiny, small, normal, big and huge
- can be rendered as toggle buttons
- render buttonsets (only hoirizontal for now)
- can render a group of toggle buttons as a buttonset from a single
select element.
- most settings can be achieved with a single class attributes
Actually problems i still working on are:
- button extra padding on most navigators
- incorrect display in ie<=6 of vertical orientation (north and south)
and also opera but only when there's no label.
- make this totally ui-widget compliant by supporting destroy and so
- and certainly others i just forgot at this late time :)