call internal function

call internal function

Hi, I am tryin to develop some plugin.
this is my start point:
  1. (function ($) {
        $.fn.One_vTest = function (options) {
            var defaults = {
                isMultiple: false,
                isInlineAnswer: true,
                ansReplayHolder: "#ansReply",
                rightAnswerClass: "rightAns",
                rightReplyHolder: "#RightReply",
                wrongReplyHolder: "#WrongReply"
            var options = $.extend(defaults, options);

            return this.each(function () {


I want to create internal function and call it when button clicked:
  1.     <script type="text/javascript">
            (jQuery)(function ($) {
                    isMultiple: false,
                    isInlineAnswer: true,
                    ansReplayHolder: "#Reply",
                    rightAnswerClass: "rightAns",
                    rightReplyHolder: "#RightReply",
                    wrongReplyHolder: "#WrongReply"

                $("#CheckAns").click(function () {

The idea is create some properties for the plugin and by clicking some button call function 'open'.