Call to ".show()" in menu.js
The bugtracker seems to be down, so i'll try to get some information here.
While performance profiling my application i came across a thing in the destroy() method of menu.js.
- .find( ".ui-menu" ).addBack()
- .removeAttr( "role aria-labelledby aria-expanded aria-hidden aria-disabled " + "tabIndex" ) .removeUniqueId()
- .show();
I'm constantly adding / removing selectmenus in my application when pages change for example. The call to `show()` here takes lots of time in this case.
I removed in in my fork and i can't seem to see any difference beside the fact that it doesn't take half as much time as before.
However the test case in the grunt build for menu.js fails.
I was wondering if this call is only beeing made to make the test case working. Is there a deeper meaning of this call to 'show()' ?
If no could i possibly remove it and contribute it to the project?