Calling Colorbox from Bxslider

Calling Colorbox from Bxslider

I am trying to wrap my head around how to call a colorbox slide group off a slide within bxslider. Using this cold I though it would work, and I does, but It is including the document window as the first slide in the colorbox and I don't know how to prevent this from happening. Any suggestions on what I might be doing wrong? 

Within my bxslider document ready statement I call colorbox on the slide that I want to open the colorbox with using:

  1. $('.isSlideshow').colorbox({rel:'slideGroup1'});

Where .isSlideshow is the class on the bxslider slide a tag.

  1. <a class="isSlideshow cboxElement" href="#" >
  2. <img src="/media/slideshow-carousel.jpg" >
  3. </a>

And here is my document ready for the colorbox:

  1. $(document).ready(function() {
  2.         var $gallery = $('a.slideGroup').colorbox({rel:'slideGroup1',@trans, @slideshow, slideshowSpeed: 4000, @showTitles });

  3.         $("a#openGallery").click(function(e){
  4.             e.preventDefault();
  5.             $gallery.eq(0).click();
  6.         });

The last portion being for opening any colorbox using a link instead of the first image in the colorbox.