Camera, Contacts, and Augmented Reality

Camera, Contacts, and Augmented Reality

Hi All,

The BridgeIt project lets web applications running in Safari or Chrome use device features such as camera, contact list, push notifications, augmented reality, and more:

This is related to PhoneGap, but in some ways the opposite: BridgeIt is a helper utility that runs alongside the browser -- you can use any device features without a custom App install and most importantly without App Store approval.  (The generic BridgeIt App must be installed, of course, and it is available for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone.)

The main demo is built using jQuery Mobile:

If there's interest, we would be very happy to enhance the integration with jQuery Mobile (jQuery plugin? it's Apache open source, so we're also accepting volunteers), or add device features that would be useful to you (power management? accelerometer recording? image perspective correction?).

Kind Regards,
Ted Goddard.