Can I get JQuery tabs loading via ajax not to abort on tab switches?

Can I get JQuery tabs loading via ajax not to abort on tab switches?

Using 1.11.2 of JQuery and UI.
I have an ajax generated Tab object that contains clickable elements that add new tabs to this Tab. Multiple tabs can be added.

When one of these tabs is selected, or the clickable element is double clicked, the tabs panel is created and the ajax request to load the data is built and initiated.

If another tab is selected before the ajax request is completed an ui.jqXHR.error is received with a status of zero and statusText of 'abort'. How can I keep the initial ajax request active and have it load the correct panel.
Right now I can keep clicking between two tabs and ajax requests continue to be aborted and created.
  1. Tabs are displayed.
  2. A loading icon is shown while an ajax request is made.
  3. The user selects another tab.
  4. The ajax request hadn't returned yet so it is aborted.


How can I keep it from aborting on tab-switch and instead just load the tab panel?

I have example code if you need it.