Can I pass a callback function in a data attribute?

Can I pass a callback function in a data attribute?

I have a webpage with several forms that I want to use the form plugin on ( What I did is the following:
  1. $('.ajaxify').each(function(){
  2.     var options = jQuery.extend(
  3.         {dataType: 'json'}, 
  4.         $(this).data('ajaxify-options')
  5.     );
  6.     $(this).ajaxForm(options);
  7. });

This allows me to have a default option (dataType: json) and add options in the data-ajaxify-options attribute of every particular form, like this (for example):

  1. <form action='/send.php' method="post" class="ajaxify" data-ajaxify-options='{"data":{"send":true}}'>

This works fine. However, now I want to add a success callback like this. But, the attribute data-ajaxify-options needs to be valid json for the .data() function to work, and the value for success should be a function, which is not possible in json, right?

Is there any way to do what I want?