Can jquery mobile Slider be used and not show the value ?

Can jquery mobile Slider be used and not show the value ?

Hello, this may be a stupid question, but I cannot seem to find information on how to use the slide widget without showing the value (still have it available to save to a database though). 

Below is my code once I assign variables it shows a slider wit ha question and two sides of the scale. In essence I want to show the slide (with the labels for left and right of scale) but not have the box with the value showing on the page.

$surQ8 = "How much do you trust this dealership ?"

 <label for='slider-0'>".$surQ8." </label>
 <p><input type='range' name='Q8' id='QID8' value='1' min='0' max='10' step='1' /></p>
 <p><span class='leftlabelalign'>NOT at all</span> <span class='rightlabelalign'>Trust Completely</span></p>

Any help is appreciated.
