can't set a radio button with a variable that changes

can't set a radio button with a variable that changes

I have a Dialog box were a user can make choices. With each change in choice, I fire a function to initialize several variables. Most work, but I can't set the radio button via the initialize function.  What do I need to change? Edit - I also tried .prop('checked', true); with no result.
Simplified, the code is:

var countrySelected = "US";  // a global variable that changes

function initialize() {
      $('input[type=radio][name=country][id=countrySelected]').attr('checked', true); //did not work
      //$('#countrySelected').attr('checked', true); // did not work
      alert("|" + $("input[type=radio][name=country]").val() + "|initialize"); //problem - does not change

      //do other stuff - they change with the user's choice

The HTML for the radio buttons looks like

<label><input type="radio" id="US"  name="country" value="US">United States</label>