Cannot add a comment tag inside a TR tag

Cannot add a comment tag inside a TR tag

I am hitting something quite strange. When I try to add a comment
"<!-- comment -->" to a <tr> element, it either remove all the <td>
tags (if the comment is at the beginning of the string) or get ignored
if the comment is at the end.
So, let's say I have a simple table
<tr id="myTr">
Doing: $("#myTr").html("<!-- refreshed row --><td>newCell1</
Will result in just "newCellnewCell2" inside the <tr>. All tds
disappeared and the guilty comment went away as well.
Using innerHTML seems to work better, but I would prefer standardizing
on $.html(), $.append(), ... regardless of the container tag.
Thank you for any help. I run Firefox 3.0.1 on Win7/64bit.