Cannot enter a space into an input field.

Cannot enter a space into an input field.

The situation:
There is a Dialog with tabs inside.  There is an input field in one of the tabs. That input field has a tooltip attached to it.  

The problem:
When clicking on the input field, the tab itself gains focus.  The user is able to type in the input field, but any keys that the tab uses (space, left/right arrows) apply to the tab instead of the input field.  This results in the user not being able to enter a space in an input field or navigate the characters in the field using the left/right arrows. Using jquery ui 1.10.2 only.  Only happens in IE9.  Does not happen in Chrome.

Run this fiddle in IE9.  You have to click outside the input field and then back inside the input field and watch for the tab getting the dotted line around it, but the cursor remains in the input field.
This situation also happens when there is a select list and an input field on a dialog and the input field has a tooltip attached.  Click inside the input field and you will see the select list gains focus and you can't type into the input field unless you click inside it again.