change-event bugs in IE

change-event bugs in IE

I looked in the current implementation of the change event and found
some bugs in the IE specific code. The most obvious bugs were:
1. change-event bugs in conjunction with live:
- the change event on radios happens to early (before the state is
changed to checked)
- the change event on radios also occurs, if the user only focuses it
without changing it´s state (keyboard navigation or but untestet
- the change event occurs also on disabled/readonly checkboxes
- the change event on text-input and textarea never occurs (reason:
2. change-event bugs in conjunction with bind
- most change events are doubbeld (normal change + computed change
including the bugs mentioned above)
I tried to fix these issues you can find the demos + an uniffied diff
To see the difference you have to use IE (6-8) with a console.log.
Due to the fact, that the change-event in IE is vehemently broken. We
can completely intercepting it. This also allowes us to not only fix
the ovbious things like the bad change event on checkboxes/
radiobuttons. it also allowes us to fix the accessibility issue with
the change event on select-elements.
The code is a quickfix so it needs a little love.