Changed code around to allow options but wont work?

Changed code around to allow options but wont work?

I decided to format my code to a more "standard" and friendly version so I could create options that could be called up at anytime within the HTML documents.

Check this JS Fiddle document. You'll see it won't work, but for the effort of my life, can't figure out why.

Depending on jQuery only.

Working before hand using just Variables:

Re-written but not working:

Many thanks if anyone can clear this up. Totally lost in the code right now.

Also, how would I manage the script with settings through the "Script" HTML tags; for example using

  1. $('.mn_bar').pluginName({ 
  2.       animSpeed: 500, 
  3.       theme: 'blue' 
  4. });

Happy new year to everyone too! Regards.