Changing on a specific day of the week a custom field

Changing on a specific day of the week a custom field


I am trying to use ".show() - .hide()" on a specific field when I selecting a specific day of the week.
I have tried a lot of codes lying on the net and without any success.

Day 6 is working and disabling but whats inside "IF" is not working
  1. jQuery( "#pickup_date" ).datepicker({
  2.     beforeShowDay: function(d) {
  3.           var day = d.getDay();
  4.           if( day != 5 ) {
  5.                   jQuery("p#pickup_time_field").hide();
  6.                   jQuery("p#pickup_time_friday_field").show();
  7.             }else if( day != 4||day != 3||day != 2||day != 1||day != 0 ){
  8.                   jQuery("p#pickup_time_field").show();
  9.                   jQuery("p#pickup_time_friday_field").hide();
  10.             }
  11.       return [(day != 6 )];
  12.     }
  13. });
  14. jQuery( "#date_num" ).datepicker({
  15.     beforeShowDay: function(d) {
  16.           var day = d.getDay();
  17.           if( day != 5 ) {
  18.                   jQuery("p#time_num_friday_field").hide();
  19.                   jQuery("p#time_num_field").show();
  20.             }else if( day != 4||day != 3||day != 2||day != 1||day != 0 ){
  21.                   jQuery("p#time_num_friday_field").show();
  22.                   jQuery("p#time_num_field").hide();
  23.             }
  24.       return [(day != 6 )];
  25.     }
  26. });