Chili 2.2 supports local line numbers

Chili 2.2 supports local line numbers

I've just released version 2.2 of Chili, the jQuery Code Highlighter.
It now supports local line numbers too, which means that you can turn
on line numbers on a PRE by PRE basis.
Apart from the necessary start from an offset other than 1, I've
implemented a feature that I call "automatic segmentation".
If you add a class like "ln-123-some-name" to a bunch of PRE elements,
Chili will add sequential line numbers to them, meaning that the first
PRE will start from 123 and any other from 1 + the last line of the
previous PRE.
Automatic segmentation is really a handy feature, because you only
need to care about splitting your programs into the snippets that you
want to comment, and Chili will add coherent line numbers.