click even firing difference between 1.8.0 and 1.8.1/1.8.2

click even firing difference between 1.8.0 and 1.8.1/1.8.2

I am having problem with click event. It fires if I use 1.8.0 but does not when 1.8.1 or 1.8.2 is used. I am using jQuery with Backbone and jQuery Mobile framework. I am not sure if the problem is related with these but I was able to narrow it to the following lines:

for 1.8.0 it's between lines 3009-3039
for 1.8.1 it's between lines 3013-3043

it (1.8.0) has changed from 
selMatch[ sel ] = sel ); (line 3030)
to this (1.8.1)
selMatch[ sel ] = jQuery( sel, this ).index( cur ) >= 0; (line 3027)

Actually removing  this from  jQuery( sel, this )at line 3027 was enough to "solve" the problem

I do not understand this change and give meaning so that I could make necessary changes in my own code. Can anyone explain the difference?

Just to give a context here's excerpt from my code:

I use it to select/click a jQuery Mobile list item dynamically created. 
I bind event using
                'click ul.the-list a' : 'editItem'
(it did not matter if I changed  a to  li)

What would you suggest.
