clicking near the footer moves

clicking near the footer moves

Good day, I would have a problem with the footer of this mobile site I'm developing, I can not keep the footer fixed, despite I gave in DIV
the code of the footer is this 
<div data-role="footer" id='footer' class="ui-bar "   data-position="fixed">
                <div class="mobigio-logo" style='float:left'>
                    <a href='' target='_blank'><img src='img/mobigio.png' ></a>
                <div class='language' style='float:right; margin-right: 20px'>
                 <a href='./index.php?lang=it'><span class="back-white"><img src='img/italy.png' ></span>  </a>
                 <a href='./index.php?lang=es'><span class="back-white"><img src='img/spain1.png' ></span>  </a>
                 <a href='./index.php?lang=en'><span class="back-white"><img src='img/united_kingdom.png' ></span>  </a>&nbsp;
                <div style="clear: both">&nbsp;</div>

can you help? thank you