ClientX, ClientY, of virtual events are wrong in Opera Mobile 12.1 on Samsung Galaxy S2 and Galaxy Tab 2

ClientX, ClientY, of virtual events are wrong in Opera Mobile 12.1 on Samsung Galaxy S2 and Galaxy Tab 2

The value returned in virtual events for ClientX, ClientY, in Opera Mobile 12.1 on Samsung Galaxy S2 and Galaxy Tab 2 make asolutely no sense. The values that should be returned by ClientX and ClientY are returned as value of ScreeenX and ScreenY instead ...Very Strange!!!! This means that Screen coordinates are returned place.
Values of PageX and PageY that are computed from  ClientX, ClientY are also wrong...and this causes problems in some applications....
Now if I copy ScreenX, and ScreenY on ClientX and ClientY...and I recompute PageX and PageY starting from these correct values...everything works fine.

I made experiments printing the original touch event coordinates...and THEY ARE WRONG TOO!!! So the problem should be in the original event created by Opera Mobile itself in the Samsung Galaxy S2 and Galaxy Tab 2 platforms.

I submitted a bug report also to the Opera Team...but my question is: does jquery Mobile provide a re-normalization of event values or its only purpose is reformatting the values of the original event to fit the format of the virtual event? 
Maybe it would make sense to insert my fix as part of the normalization of events performed by jquery mobile...or maybe the only solution is just relying in the fix of similar bug...

I dont know exactly what are the Opera Mobile platforms that suffer from this problem...May be the whole Android platform, or just Samsung Android devices, ..or just the devices where I experienced the problem