Collapsible blocks for a newbie!

Collapsible blocks for a newbie!

I'm brand new to mobile development, our mobile site has recently been created for us and it looks great. I have been adding content on a daily basis and getting used to the mobile layout.

One thing I would now like to add are collapsible, accordion blocks for a page which has 3 sections.

So I looked at all the downloads available and went for this one  Zip File: (JavaScript, CSS, and images)

This gives me numerous css and js files.

So from the jmobile site I added the following code:

<div id="cboxContent"><div data-role="collapsible">
<h3>I'm a header</h3>
<p>I'm the collapsible content. By default I'm open and displayed on the page, but you can click the header to hide me.</p>

Now it tells me I can use any header element (H1-H6) so I would assume the style sheet has to reference this header so it knows what to display (obiously at the minute before I've done anything with just the code, all it displays is the text) 

Which css/js files do I need to reference? I guess the download includes css files to cover every widget/effect jquery mobile is capable of but for the minute I only need collapsible content. 

Can anyone advise or give me an idiots guide?
