collapsible set within listview (eliminate spacing)

collapsible set within listview (eliminate spacing)


I'm using jquery mobile 1.4.0, I have collapsible set contained within a list view (namely a LI element).
This  collapsible set has 2 collapsible elements and the problem is there is some space between these for some reason or another.

Have a look at this:
jsfiddle example

I had a look in js inspector, when I take this exact collapsible set outside the list view, each collapsible  element has a height of 44.375px and the height of the set is simply this X 2 which makes sense ... you can see this in the example above underneath the list view.

For whatever reason in the list view the height of the set is 94.9375px ... there is no padding within the collapsible set.

I'm sure it must be a CSS property inherited from the list view.

Any ideas ?

Thanks a bunch!