Color library

Color library

Before I go and write one of my own. Does anyone know of any good
JavaScript color library written?
For an idea of the scope wanted, here's the plan I'm hoping for (Ideally
I may be writing this for use at work inside of multiple parts of the
The first half is generic management of colors. ie: conversion between
RGB/HSV/CMYK/etc... color spaces as well as color matrix transformations
I'll likely use that as a backend as well in the color picker used at work.
And the second part is the more usable portion meant for use in more
than just simple color picking and advanced color transformation.
The idea is the generation of random colors (along a limited brightness
range) as well as generation of colors with a bit of an offset in
Think dynamic editing applications. Creating a dark transparent overlay
and then creating a few boxes with random color themes (random
background colors with borders using a little darker of the same color).
Of course, ideally this could be thrown into a jQuery plugin then to
allow easy generation of containers using various or random color schemes.
~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) []
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