Combining Functions Issue

Combining Functions Issue

I am trying to make a function that has 2 functions within it. Here it works fine:

var bothFunctions = function(){//combine 2 function variables
  $('#q119').on('change', bothFunctions);

The functions them selves are performing some logic on a drop down list.

I tried using this technique on aother 2 functions that are performing logic based on a checkbox:

  var bothFunctions = function(){//combine 2 function variables
    return false;

$('#q34 .cf-table-add-row').click(bothFunctions);

What am I missing? Are there ever special conditions where you can't combine functions?

I can get them to work when I break them into separate lines:

  $('#q34').on('change', checkPCardCheck);
  $('#q34').on('change', checkPCardVal);

I also tried combining them like this with no luck:

  $('#q34 .cf-table-add-row').click(function(){
    return false;

I am a noob, so please forgive any blatantly obvious reasons that I don't see.
