Committing a variabel in remodal master

Committing a variabel in remodal master

Hello guys,

I use the remodal-master tool (jQuery) on a php-page to display some detailed information about a data set which is imported from a mysql-database.

The remodal master requires an hash-tag definition in the a-tag like this:

<a href="#" rel="#details">details</a>

The details are included in this layer.

<div id="details" class="simple_overlay">
        <?php include("details_vmobject.php"); ?>

jQuery-Script for running that.

    $(document).ready(function() {
        { // Overlay-Parameter-Definitionen:
          fixed: false,
          closeOnClick: true,
          closeOnEsc: true

The Problem is now that i don't know how i can commit a variabel (respectively the id of the data set) to the div-layer to display the right details to the data set.

I tried to commit via a link-definition and $_GET, but that doesn't work.

Sorry for that may silly querstion, but i need some help.

You can also answer in german.

Thank you for your help.
Best regards,