[Concept development] Quiz Start Button, without revealing anything!

[Concept development] Quiz Start Button, without revealing anything!

I need help with the concept development so that I've some 'starting point' before I can think about the code. Here's what I want to do:

I'm developing a quiz software using PHP and I want all the users to land one a 'Quiz Start' page. This page would show a countdown timer and once the specified unix time is achieved, it should convert the timer into a button that takes the user to desired page.

Problem: The 'smart' users can view the jQuery and therefore can quickly know which URL I'm going to redirect them to. In this case, I'll need a server side check to repel users out if the quiz hasn't began yet. I'm wondering if there's a better way to do this all in jQuery.

One possible solution I thought is like this: -

>> Fetch the redirect url just 10 seconds before the timer finishes using ajax request to the server. This way any smart user can have at max 10 seconds of 'lead'; which won't matter. I can of course take care of that on the server.

Is there any better way to do this?