Conflicts with jQuery 1.0b2.js

Conflicts with jQuery 1.0b2.js

I have a site that I have used jQuery on for a few years now. Recently we started to update the site so that it works on mobile devices using jquery mobile 1.0b2. I found some similar things from other people who have had the same problem. According to FireBug the problem is in the getFilePath function below. Evedently if the object passed to the function is not a string it bombs. I tried to put an if in there for typeof == string but that caused other problems.
Can anyone help me out here?
   getFilePath: function( path ) {
    var splitkey = '&' + $.mobile.subPageUrlKey;
    path += "";
    return path && path.split( splitkey )[0].split( dialogHashKey )[0];
