content from a wp page, to HTML on different host/domain

content from a wp page, to HTML on different host/domain


Do you know about phonegap? It's a service that makes from HTML5, CSS3, and JS files a mobile app for: Android, iOS, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, and more.

How does it work? You archive your HTML, CSS and JS files, and upload it to phonegap, and within seconds, they generate the app. The app is actually a WWW folder, that the app loads, on specific platform (android, iOS, etc).

I've bought a html + CSS + JS (JQuerry mobile) template.
It's working perfectly, but I want to load on services.html, content from a page that is generated by wordpress on a site

So this service.html will have infinite different IP addresses, as different users will load the app from a 3G/4G, or wifi connection.

How can I make service.html to load the ? IF it's not possible, I can give the sample-page and ID, but I would prefer it like that.

I started to learn HTML, CSS, and JS, but it will take a lot of time to learn how to do this on my own. Can anyone help me please? :)


Best Regards,
