Contextual Auto-escaping for JQuery Templates

Contextual Auto-escaping for JQuery Templates

I would like to try and make jquery templates more resistant to XSS attacks by looking at the context in which  ${} appear and using that to choose an appropriate escaping directive.

I have a simple demo that doesn't handle branching or loops at that you can play with.
Try choosing one of the "Safe HTML" examples from the dropdown at the top-right.

I'd like to make that work with jquery template syntax, handle {{if}}, {{each}}, and {{tmpl}} constructs by branching and joining contexts and make it an option for jquery template users.

Is this something in which the jquery community might be interested?
I see the documentation at but is there a more detailed grammar anywhere?  Or a parser already built into the implementation?

Is there a public corpus of existing templates that I could use as test-fodder?

How close to static dispatch are {{tmpl}} calls?  Does one typically have access to callable templates the first time the caller is used?