Continuous/constant scrolling both forward and backward in the same scroller

Continuous/constant scrolling both forward and backward in the same scroller


I was wondering if someone could help me on the way, to make a scroller that could scroll continuously/constant both forward and backward (from left to right and right to left).

The instance shouldn't scroll unless holding down a link (arrows left&right) outside the scroller. (using onmousedown and stop onmouseup)
and it would be great if it's not possible to scroll past the last and first item. (i don't want any empty space) But I guess I could do that with offset and exclude (:

I don't have any code for you, but if you want me to try some more first, I'll do that and send you if I got anything good out of it!

(If it helps anything, I also tried the HoverScroll plugin, but since the arrows is implemented in the jquery/js-code I wasn't abled to tweak it as I wanted. That plugin is possibly the nearest already made scroller I've so far seen. However I want the buttons to be outside the scrollerarea, and I also want to be able to change the styling on the whole thing. and I want it to use onmousedown and onmouseup instead of onmouseover.)

I've tried with scrollable and ScrollTo/SerialScroll, but I'm not a code wizard so I have no idea how to do this.. ;O These plugins seems really great, and I have used them in other projects, so I'm a bit familiar with how they work.

Could anyone please help me?