Countdown jQuery trigger New Countdown on End of first Countdown

Countdown jQuery trigger New Countdown on End of first Countdown

I am using Keith Wood's Countdown @

 to make a countdown that triggers a new Countdown at the end of the first countdown using the Callback function as defined in the Documentation 
but it is not working.
Can some one please have a look.

My code goes something like this,


$(function () {
var austDay = new Date();
austDay = new Date(austDay.getFullYear(), 4 - 1, 9, 10 );
$('#defaultCountdown').countdown({until: austDay, format:'HMS', onExpiry: reStartX});
function reStartX() { 
   var newDay = new Date();
newDay = new Date(newDay.getFullYear(), 4 - 1, 10, 10 );
$('#defaultCountdown').countdown({until: newDay, format:'HMS', onExpiry: reStartY});

function reStartY() { 
   var newDays = new Date();
newDays = new Date(newDays.getFullYear(), 4 - 1, 11, 10 );
$('#defaultCountdown').countdown({until: newDays, format:'HMS'});

