countdown plugin

countdown plugin

hey guys im trying to use the jquery countdown plugin but it's not displaying correctly.

timestamp : 2015-09-06 04:00:00

and it shows: 0 Days 03 Hours 11 Minutes and 40 Seconds remaining

can anyone tell me why please?
  1. $('#timestamp').countdown({   
    	      until: $(this).text(),
    	      compact: true,
    	      layout: '{dn} Days {hnn} Hours',
    	      description: ' remaining',
    	      onTick: function(periods) {
    	            $(this).countdown('option', 'layout', periods[3] > 2 ? '{dn} Days {hnn} Hours' :
    	                  '{dn} Days {hnn} Hours {mnn} Minutes and {snn} Seconds {desc}');
    	      tickInterval: 10

thank you