create a TimePicker with different output

create a TimePicker with different output

hello guys,
What can anybody help me?

I want to customize a TimePicker, I want to be like the example below.
timepicker menit Jam

<input type="text" name="timepicker" id="timepicker" size="4" />
<input type="text" name="jam" id="menit" size="4" />
<input type="text" name="menit" id="jam" size="4" />

timpepicker selected on the input with id 'TimePicker' and the resulting display in the format H: i: s, then it was followed with automatic by input with id = 'clock' with format 'H' and input with id = 'min' with format 'i ', the only one to choose the time at the input with id =' TimePicker '.

please help me.