creating validation plugin

creating validation plugin

This is my first time creating a plugin. I am trying to make a plugin that will validate whether an input field is empty or not.

My problem is with the keyup() function - if I call it as I did in 1.php it works fine, but I want to put keyup() in a plugin as I did in vall.js, it is commented out as $(this).keyup(function() is not working. Should I place keyup() somewhere else or make a separate keyup() function.?

Later I want to add keyup(), focus()... to options so I can just write keyup:true or something like that.


( function($){
.fn.validation = function(options) {
var settings= {required: '',rqrmsg:''};
if(options){$.extend(settings, options); }
var options = $.extend(settings, options);  


// $(this).keyup(function() {  


if(options.required == 'true') {
var error = 0;
var elem1 = $(this).val();
if (elem1 == '') {
= 1;
this.css({'border':'Solid 1px Yellow','background-color':'red'})


} else {


(this).css({'border':'Solid 1px Yellow','background-color':'green'})

This is where I am calling the main jQuery file:


<script src=""></script>
<script src="val.js"></script>

<form id='targets' name='targets' action='' method='post'>
<span class="">Email</span>
<input type='text' name='test' id='email' /><span class="error"></span><br />
<input type='text' name='test1' id='miho' /><span class="error"></span><br />
<input type='submit' value='Save' id='save'/>

(document).ready(function() {
('#email').keyup(function() {
('#miho').keyup(function() {