CSS ui-content padding is set to 15px on dialog-box appear in jquerymobile.css 1.3.2

CSS ui-content padding is set to 15px on dialog-box appear in jquerymobile.css 1.3.2


i am developing  a phonegap application with using jquery 1.9 and jquerymobile 1.3.2 for android.
everything working fine in browsers. i have an issue in UI design.

Issue: i have a select tag with options. when i check in android device options will appear in dialog-box and works fine. but, I don't believe it is necessary to pad the page content area container by an arbitrary/magic value - it makes more sense for it to be zero. Due to this 15px value, the UI widgets changes the appearence.

i want to overcome the issue my fixing it to 0px. Can you people guide me where i need to change 
the CSS. i have tried below css but it didn't solve my issue.
.ui-content {
         margin: 0px !important;
    padding: 0px !important;