curiosity about the way event.trigger works

curiosity about the way event.trigger works

I'm a big fan of JQuery, it's totally changed the way I write
One thing it's started to make me do is to use custom events a lot
more but something that has struck me is that the event.trigger seems
to be somewhat inconsistent with the rest of the api in terms of
passing variables around.
The specific piece that I'm taking about is the, when you
bind things, you can incorporate the data into the call e.g.
foo.bind("bar", {foo: bar}); - where foo becomes a property of
but when I trigger things I have to do this:
foo.trigger("bar", [{foo: bar1}])
and the extra data comes in as a second argument to the event being
While this is quite useful functionality, I feel it does depart
somewhat from the original, I would expect to pass in an object that
could extend and overwrite the original object as well as
being able to pass in extra arguments, so it might look something more
like this:
foo.trigger("bar", {foo: bar1}, [{foo2: bar}];
where the 2nd argument ({foo: bar1}) overwrites the original property
({foo: bar}) like
jQuery.extend({},, latestData);
I was wondering if there is any specific reason it is done this way &
whether there is anywhere I could suggest that it is altered?