Custom Animation Chain?

Custom Animation Chain?

I'm wondering what I am missing to get the following to work. I understand that the syntax isn't entirely correct, but the concept should somewhat obvious. 

I've set up defaults for a plugin called 'test'. The default is called 'customIn' and you can see that I've improperly placed a jQuery .hide() method as it's value. My goal is to allow users to change this default to whatever type of animation or chain they like, without the need to dig into the full version of the plugin and figure it out. 

  1. (function($) {

  2.       $.fn.test.defaults = {
  3.              customIn : "$(this).hide();"
  4.        };
  5.        $.fn.test = function(options) {
  6.             options = $.extend($.fn.test.defaults, options);
  7.             $(this).each(function(){
  8.                    customIn   
  9.              });
  10.        }
  11. })(jQuery);

  12. $(document).ready(function(){
  13.       $('p').test();
  14. });

While this is a simplified version of what I am actually working on, the theory should be the same.

Can this be done?
