custom title bar icons

custom title bar icons

Hi Group,
I'm new to jQuery UI, but it's looking solid - I'm very happy :-)
I need to add some icons to a dialog, next to the close icon, and
while I could just hack those in, I would rather make this feature
generally available through the options.
Looking at the code that creates the close button...
            uiDialogTitlebarClose = $('<a href="#"/>')
                    'ui-dialog-titlebar-close ' +
                .attr('role', 'button')
                    function() {
                    function() {
                .focus(function() {
                .blur(function() {
                .mousedown(function(ev) {
                .click(function(event) {
                    return false;
            uiDialogTitlebarCloseText = (this.uiDialogTitlebarCloseText = $
                    'ui-icon ' +
What is the closeText for? The closeText option is undocumented, so
I'm guessing either it's incomplete, or it's something to do with