cycle 2 data-cycle-youtube-autostop=true not quite working

cycle 2 data-cycle-youtube-autostop=true not quite working

I have the following cycle2 HTML code:

  1.     <div class="cycle-slideshow" data-cycle-fx=scrollHorz data-cycle-timeout=0 data-cycle-prev=#prev data-cycle-next=#next data-cycle-auto-height="640:360" data-cycle-slides=">a" data-cycle-youtube=true data-cycle-youtube-autostart=true data-cycle-youtube-autostop=true>
  2.         <a href=";hl=en_US&amp;rel=0">Paul Irish</a>
  3.         <a href=";hl=en_US&amp;rel=0">Alex Russel</a>
  4.         <a href=# id='prev' class="cycle-prev"></a>
  5.         <a href=# id='next' class="cycle-next"></a>
  6.     </div>

was trying to make a simple vedio , like HERE.

Now the problem is my  data-cycle-youtube-autostop=true attribute does't work.

HERE is a demo of what i have made :D

EDIT:: actually just as i was checking the hosted demo VS my offline demo , i just noticed that it works online but does't quite work offline . WHY ?