Cycle 2 plugin (containter height problem)

Cycle 2 plugin (containter height problem)

I have problem with container(<ul>) height because here is <li> item height is not fixed(dynamic content) I need four(4) <li> items at once.

I want to every time when slide is move down container height is automatic fix according to current four(4) slide.

Thanks in advance.

        <ul class="hc-content-listing hc-slideshow vertical"
                        data-cycle-timeout= 3000
                        <li>List item content is dynamic height not fixed</li>
                        <li>List item content is dynamic height not fixed</li>
                        <li>List item content is dynamic height not fixed</li>
                        <li>List item content is dynamic height not fixed</li>
                        <li>List item content is dynamic height not fixed</li>
                        <li>List item content is dynamic height not fixed</li>
                        <li>List item content is dynamic height not fixed</li>
                        <li>List item content is dynamic height not fixed</li>
                        <li>List item content is dynamic height not fixed</li>
                        <li>List item content is dynamic height not fixed</li>