data-role collapsible not opening at top of content

data-role collapsible not opening at top of content

I'm using jquery mobil 1.4.5.min.js.

If a data-role collapsible content is already expanded, displaying its content, and then I tap on a second data-role collapsible heading to expand its content, the content expands but scrolled down the content the distance that the first collapsible content was expanded. Thus the first expanded content always opens at the top of the content (which is good), while any following expanded content does not open at the top of its content.

Is there a parameter to control where the expanded content opens at, on the screen?

As shown in screen shots, image 1.png is the first expanded content, open at the top (start of content). Image 2.png is where the second expanded content opens up at (scrolled down a ways). Image 3.png is where I would like image 2.png to open up at (not scrolled down the screen).
