data-role = 'fieldcontain' does not work after ajax request

data-role = 'fieldcontain' does not work after ajax request

I have three fields selecion one is independent and two dependent enter if I use the three selections with fake native menu, these three selections I have them wrapped with a data-role = 'fieldcontain', when I make the Ajax request with dependent selecion one to load the corresponding selecion, all this works fine but when I make fieldcontain your css, ajax after the request I put this line:

selectmenu ();

probe this line:

$ ("# my_page"). appendTo (". ui-page"). trigger ("create");

and now if I apply CSS styles in fieldcontain but here is my problem, as I said I have three selecion in jquery mobile document if therefore selected which are dependent work well even with their styles but when the first selecion therefore selected is independent and then press the second selecion this if dependent and does not work it gives me the blank document and I can not see me going failure.

Important, I found that if I leave the first selecion be native mode if it works all right, but of course I want to put false native mode.

took two days to fix it and I can not, I hope you can help me a bit to understand why this happens.

A greeting.