data-theme="a" doesn't work for a dialog box

data-theme="a" doesn't work for a dialog box


I've a problem when I print the dialog box on the screen. I tried the data-theme="a", data-theme="c", data-theme="d" but I've every time the same color printed(in white). There is just the data-theme="b" that prints the dialog box in black.

I tried with $("#dialogbox1").trigger("create") but it's always the same result.

Do you have a solution ?

Thank you
  1. <script>
  2. $(document).ready( function(){    
  3.             $("#contentDialog").html("dfds");
                $.mobile.changePage('#dialog1', { transition: 'pop', role: 'dialog' });
  4. } );
  5. </script>
  6. <body>
        <div data-role="page">
            <div data-role="ui-content">

  7.                   <!-- rest of the code -->
  8.         </div>   
  9.      </div>
  10.      <div data-role="dialog" data-ajax="false" data-theme="b" id="dialog1" class="app-dialog">
  11.            <div data-role="header">
  12.                <h3>Erreur d'authentification</h3>
  13.            </div>
  14.            <div id="contentDialog" data-role="content">
  15.            </div>
  16.      </div>
  17. </body>