Datepicker: changeMonth + changeYear + yearRange causes flash

Datepicker: changeMonth + changeYear + yearRange causes flash

I'm using jquery 1.9.1 and ui 1.10.2, and Chrome on win8.
I found this bug, it's similar, except it's not a full page redraw, only the select list redraws, and you are unable to pick your selection. You are only able to pick if you pick it before the redraw goes.
Here's my code, nothing fancy. 
<label for="dbayPicker">Birthday</label>
<div><input type="text" id="dbayPicker" name="dbayPicker" /></div>

$("#dbayPicker").datepicker({changeMonth: true, changeYear: true,yearRange: "-100:+0" });

the there is some draw problems with the upload, but you can see my selection dissapearing then i move my mouse and it comes back.